International collaborations are critical to delivering the University’s mission. Working with international partners can bring new research opportunities, diverse perspectives and access to valuable resources. If you are planning or currently engaged in an international activity, whether complex or still developing, the resources on this page can help you in your considerations.
For those within the University (via login through Raven) the International Engagement Hub provides a single place for guidance on international activity.
Visit the International Engagement Hub and read more on Collaboration with International Partners.
General Board Protocol on International Agreements
The Strategic Partnerships Office is responsible for implementing the General Board Protocol on International Agreements. The protocol is available to all members of the University via login through Raven.
If you are contemplating a partnership or collaboration with an international entity and are at a stage where you are considering entering into an agreement, we encourage you to review the Protocol as it is specifically designed to assist you in following due process, helping to assess and manage the risks associated with international agreements.
If you are a member of a School, Faculty or Department who would like to initiate an international or corporate collaboration, please contact us at the outset. If you have any questions about the Protocol or its implementation, please contact us.
Protocol Guidance
To complement the General Board Protocol on International Agreements, the Strategic Partnerships Office has developed the following guidance to Schools, faculties, departments and other institutions wishing to develop international collaborations.
The documents below are available to all members of the University via login through Raven.
♦ International Agreements Checklist for Heads of Department
♦ International Agreements Checklist for Heads of School
Equitable collaboration and partnership checklist
Equitability between partners is the foundation for any successful collaboration but can be particularly hard to build and maintain when there is a power imbalance. This checklist is intended to support staff to consider equitability in building effective and sustainable collaborations.
The checklist is available to all members of the University via login through Raven.
Check out the Equitable Collaboration and Partnerships Checklist.
For further guidance, please contact Maja Wallberg.
Memorandum of Understanding (MOUs)
MoUs are legally non-binding but can be useful when parties are exploring potential partnerships but are not yet ready to enter into a formal contract.
You can use them to outline the terms and details of a mutual understanding or collaboration, clarify the roles and responsibilities of each party involved and establish a framework for collaboration or partnership. They can help in fostering trust and outlining expectations clearly before moving forward with more detailed agreements.
♦ International MoU Template (pdf)