The Strategic Partnerships Office oversees a number of research partnerships and initiatives with universities around the world. Here you can find out details of how to apply to be part of funding calls.
♦ IARU Global Internship Program 2025
♦ Cambridge-LMU Strategic Partnership: Call for Proposals in Research and Teaching
♦ PSL Global Seed Fund Autumn 2024 (GSF)
♦ Université libre de Bruxelles - University of Cambridge: Wiener-Anspach Grants for Research Projects
♦ Tsinghua University - University of Cambridge Joint Research Initiative
♦ University of Cambridge - UTokyo Partnership
Information about the different institutional relationships overseen by the Strategic Partnerships Office can be found on the Global Cambridge page.
Funding Calls
IARU Global Internship Program 2025
The Global Internship Program (GIP) provides international work experience and research opportunities to IARU students, which are valuable for broadening academic horizons and building community and cross-cultural understanding.
Each internship is valued at $3000, and there is a budget for 7 internships. Since Cambridge University is a part of the IARU network, academics at the University can offer internships to IARU members. If you would like to participate in this scheme, please contact the Strategic Partnerships Office at
Cambridge-LMU Strategic Partnership: Call for Proposals in Research and Teaching
The University of Cambridge and the LMU Munich are delighted to announce the first call of the second funding period 2025-2029. The overall aim of the partnership is to explore and support an array of activities that will continue to cement a meaningful and productive partnership between two of Europe’s leading universities. The partnership, and this call, covers all disciplines.
All permanent members of staff are eligible. Funding can cover costs of Cambridge and LMU employees and students only - collaborators from other institutions besides the University of Cambridge and LMU Munich are not eligible for any financial support from either partner institution.
Applications can be either submitted by LMU applicants via the LMU online submission form or by CAM applicants via the online submission form for CAM applicants. Please note that only one application either from the LMU or from the CAM PI is necessary.
The deadline for the Cambridge-LMU Strategic Partnership funding call was on 20 October 2024.
Further enquiries about can be made to Ingrid Hobbis (University of Cambridge) or Juliane Gierach (LMU). Information can also be found on the Cambridge LMU Strategic Partnership webpage.
Full information on how to apply are available on the latest Call for proposals here.
PSL Global Seed Fund Autumn 2024 (GSF)
In 2023, Université PSL created a funding instrument dedicated to the initiation of international projects: the PSL Global Seed Fund. Twice a year, in autumn and spring, PSL faculty and researchers can submit applications for funding to initiate new collaborations or to prepare, with an already identified partner, the response to a more structuring call for tenders. The Autumn 2024 campaign is now open. It will finance projects between April 1, 2025 and March 31, 2026.
PSL communicates the GSF call to its privileged partners and shares the projects that concern them in order to maximize funding opportunities. This is notably the case with the University of RICE, the University of Chicago and the University of Montreal, where this mechanism is part of the contractual provisions of bilateral framework agreements. In addition, other mechanisms have been set up with long-standing partners such as Cambridge University, University College London, the Australian National University and the University of Austin to enable projects involving them to benefit from co-financing under ad-hoc arrangements.
More information regarding funding, type of eligible activities and evaluation criteria is available on the PSL website. The deadline for applications is on 1 December 2024.
CamPo Partnership: University of Cambridge and Paris Institute of Political Studies (Sciences Po) call for proposals 2024
The CamPo Scheme is a partnership between the Universities of Cambridge and Sciences Po, a flagship initiative for strengthening international collaboration in the humanities and the social sciences, and for development of lasting partnership and collaboration between the two Universities with the aim to become a leading research hub for the social sciences.
CamPo offers funding for:
1. Collaborative Research projects;
2. Faculty Exchange visits;
3. PhD Exchange visits.
The schemes are not mutually exclusive. Whereupon your project proposal includes a Faculty Exchange, you will need to apply for each separately.
Instructions on how to apply are listed here.
The 2024 CamPo Call for proposals are now closed.
Further enquiries about can be made to
Université libre de Bruxelles - University of Cambridge: Wiener-Anspach Grants for Research Projects
The Fondation Wiener-Anspach supports collaborative research projects in all fields between the University of Cambridge and the Université libre de Bruxelles.
The grant – a maximum €30,000 for two years – is awarded to cover operating costs. The call for the 2024-2025 funding period is closed. The call for 2026-2027 will be launched in the first quarter of 2025.
For more information go to or email
The foundation also offers doctoral grants for Cambridge PhD students and postdoctoral grants for Cambridge researchers.
Tsinghua University - University of Cambridge Joint Research Initiative
In 2019 Tsinghua University and the University of Cambridge established the Tsinghua-Cambridge Joint Research Initiative Fund, a five-year initiative to strengthen research collaborations between academics at the two institutions (original announcement).
The initiative reflects the commitment of both universities to work together on addressing global challenges, such as climate change, food security or infectious diseases. Five calls have been issued to date. The 2024 call for proposals is now open.
The 2024 call will be broadly focused on tackling global challenges. Projects can address any aspect of global challenges. Examples of potential key themes include, but are not limited to: food security; climate change, energy transition, biodiversity, clean water, healthcare in developing countries, ageing societies, infectious diseases, sustainable and inclusive growth, national/international conflict resolution, and so on.
Each research proposal must be jointly prepared by PIs from both institutions. Project costs should not exceed £12.5k for the Cambridge partners and RMB125k for the Tsinghua partners for a project duration of not more than 12 months. The application deadline was on Friday 29 November 2024.
Please find the call for proposals and the application form following the link below:
Call for proposals and application form
University of Cambridge - UTokyo Partnership
The University of Cambridge and the University of Tokyo enjoy a long-standing and continuing partnership with cross-disciplinary links and collaborations. Annual joint symposia have been held to encourage and facilitate the identification and development of high-quality collaboration opportunities.
More information on the partnership and previous events can be found at the partnership homepage.