The Strategic Partnerships Office oversees a number of research partnerships and initiatives with universities around the world. Here you can find out details of how to apply to be part of exchange programmes.
♦ Cambridge-Hamied Visiting Lecture Scheme
♦ Cambridge-Canterbury Exchange
Information about the different institutional relationships overseen by the Strategic Partnerships Office can be found on the Global Cambridge page.
Exchange Programmes
Cambridge-Hamied Visiting Lecture Scheme
The Cambridge-Hamied Visiting Lecture Scheme was established in 2009 to stimulate exchange of ideas and academic collaboration between leading Indian institutions and the University of Cambridge. It is named after Dr Yusuf Hamied, former Chair of Cipla Ltd, alumnus of the Department of Chemistry in Cambridge, and generous donor to the University and to Christ’s College.
Each year the scheme gives financial support to senior scholars wishing to visit and work with colleagues in Cambridge or in India, with a view to enhancing existing academic collaborations and laying the foundations for new ones. Cambridge researchers, in addition to meeting counterparts in their Indian host institution, are able to visit other organisations and research centres with which they share academic interests.
Aims of the scheme
The principal aims of the scheme are:
- to strengthen academic collaborations between Cambridge and India
- to support research and associated activities that will be of practical benefit to the University and to Indian institutions
- to stimulate and facilitate two-way mobility between researchers in Cambridge and India
- if feasible, to liaise with groups of Cambridge alumni in meetings and speaking engagements
- You must be either a current member of academic staff at the University of Cambridge who has active collaborations with Indian partners in areas of research that will be of practical benefit to India, or a current member of academic staff at an Indian university or research institution who has active collaborations with colleagues at the University of Cambridge.
- Your application must be endorsed by the relevant Heads of Faculty/Department in both your home institution and in the institution you plan to visit.
- The visit will be of minimum 1-2 weeks’ duration and maximum 3 months*.
- You may only submit one application per calendar year*.
* these conditions may be relaxed under particular circumstances
- There is no fixed deadline for applications, which may be submitted at any time.
- Complete the application form: Cambridge-Hamied Visiting Lecture Scheme application form.
- Send to, accompanied by your CV (maximum 2 pages), in a single email with the subject header ‘Cambridge-Hamied Application your name’.
- The application will be reviewed and, if it is successful, you will be sent email confirmation including the maximum level of funding awarded.
- You are responsible for paying all costs up-front, subject to reimbursement from the Cambridge-Hamied Visiting Lecture Scheme*.
- After your visit, send an expenses claim, together with copies of relevant invoices/receipts, and a report on your visit.
- You will then be reimbursed for up to the maximum level of funding awarded.
* In exceptional cases, a large item of expenditure may be reimbursed at the start of your visit
All or some of the following items may be funded:
- return airfare (economy) between the UK and India – repayable in full if claim is accompanied by invoice/receipt
- local travel between airport and the institution you are visiting - repayable in full if claim is accompanied by invoice/receipt
- visa fee - repayable in full if claim is accompanied by invoice/receipt
- accommodation - repayable in part or in full if claim is accompanied by invoice/receipt*
- subsistence – payable at a weekly rate of £250 or pro rata (no invoice/receipt required)
* if the total anticipated accommodation cost is exceptionally high, the Scheme retains the right to pay part of the total cost. If you choose to stay in private accommodation, no reimbursement will be made
Other items will only be considered for funding in exceptional circumstances. Please contact with any queries.
The Strategic Partnerships Office retains the right to offer a maximum level of funding that is lower than the anticipated full cost of the visit, in the interests of maintaining the viability of the Cambridge-Hamied Visiting Lecture Scheme for future exchange visits.
Cambridge-Canterbury Exchange
The University of Cambridge and the University of Canterbury, New Zealand have a reciprocal programme for academic visitors, the Cambridge-Canterbury Exchange Programme. Up to two visiting fellowships may be awarded each year, in any academic subject.
Further information can be found on the University of Canterbury’s Erskine Programme webpage.