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Strategic Partnerships Office


International Strategy Committee (ISC)

The PIPs team serve as the secretariat to the ISC, a joint committee of the General Board and Council, which has oversight of the University's international strategy and international engagement.

Find out more about the ISC.


Regional working groups

Three regional working groups have been established to foster collaboration and regional engagement. Each group has a unique focus but shares the goal of harnessing academic expertise and connecting with external institutions and stakeholders. They identify research opportunities, address regional challenges, and ensure alignment with the university's goals. These efforts promote university engagement and strengthen its connections.

Europe Strategy Working Group (ESWG)

China Strategy Working Group (CSWG)

South Asia Strategy Working Group (SASWG)


International Engagement Advisory Working Group (IEAWG)

The International Engagement Advisory working group, consisting of representatives from core professional services, colleges, and Cambridge University Press & Assessment, was formed to oversee international engagement at the University. Leveraging their expertise, the group will coordinate and develop new guidance, mitigate risks, consult on proposed activities and communications, and scrutinise large-scale strategic proposals.

Find out more about the IEAWG.